Discover the powerful release of blockages, tension, and stored trauma!

Rebalance your body:

Qi Vitality Health examines the physical, mental, and emotional well being of an individual through the Spinal Flow technique to increase the life force and health of an individual. Spinal Flow can help improve symptoms of chronic pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, fatigue, digestive issues, reproductive issues, anxiety, and depression. By releasing the blockages, the body’s innate intelligence heals and restores the body by moving it from a sympathetic state (fight/flight) into a parasympathetic state (rest/digest).

Spinal Flow Technique

Initial Assessment & Healing

The 1-hour assessment is $100 and reviews medical history, postural screening/palpation, postural pictures and set up treatment plan/book appointments/square away payment. Re-evaluation is free after 6-12 sessions.

Single Sessions

The 1-hour single session is $120 and includes spinal flow and heart healing to release deep emotions.

6 Sessions Pack

Valid for 6 months
30 minutes each


12 Sessions Pack

Valid for 12 months
30 minutes each


Unlock Your Body's Potential: Transformative Bodywork for Optimal Health and Vitality

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation with our transformative bodywork sessions. The practitioner specializes in unlocking the innate potential within your body, promoting optimal health and vitality.

Through a harmonious blend of therapeutic techniques, each session is tailored to address your unique needs, fostering a profound sense of well-being.

Experience the revitalizing touch that encourages balance, flexibility, and a renewed vitality. Embrace the transformative power of bodywork and elevate yourself to a state of optimal health and wellness.

Your body deserves the care and attention that will unlock its full potential – start your transformative journey today.
